Speaker: Rick Devey

Rick from Bikers For Christ.

Finding Peace: Managing Stress and Anxiety as a Christian

In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety can feel overwhelming. As Christians, we have unique tools and a supportive community to help navigate these challenging times. Join us as we explore biblical teachings, prayer techniques, and practical tips to manage stress and find lasting peace. Let’s journey together towards a life filled with faith, hope,…

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The Nomad Pastor
Finding Peace: Managing Stress and Anxiety as a Christian

Navigating Doubt and Questions as a Christian

Experiencing doubt and asking questions is a natural part of the Christian journey. 🌟 In this podcast, we explore how to navigate these challenges with faith and confidence when it relates to doubt and questions. Remember, doubt isn’t a sign of weak faith—it’s an opportunity for growth. Join us in embracing this journey together! 🙏✨…

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The Nomad Pastor
Navigating Doubt and Questions as a Christian

Do you follow the Jesus of the Bible?

Do you follow the Jesus of the Bible?  Can you be a Christian and not follow what scripture says about Christ or believe his Deity? Hebrews 1:1-4 1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken…

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The Nomad Pastor
Do you follow the Jesus of the Bible?

We Need Prayer Warriors!!

Remember that having a prayer warrior interceding on your behalf is just as important as you are standing on the stage. 2 Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and…

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The Nomad Pastor
We Need Prayer Warriors!!

Unity in ministry is critical

It is so critical that as Christians we are united. When we argue, fight, talk bad about, or damage the reputation of other Christians we are really saying that Christ was not enough for everyone. Our scripture today is 1 Corinthians 1:10. https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org  https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com 

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Unity in ministry is critical

How forgiveness impacts ministry

With everything going on in the world today and in our personal lives it is imperative to forgive people and forgive ourselves.  Today we review Colossians 3:12-14 https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org  https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com 

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The Nomad Pastor
How forgiveness impacts ministry

Lets Talk about Depression

This week we will talk about dealing with depression. It is an inevitable thing that is going to occur and being able to deal with it the right way can be a great resource to all of us. Psalms 34:18 says “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” https://www.nomadpastor.org …

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The Nomad Pastor
Lets Talk about Depression

How to deal with struggles in life

This week we will talk about dealing with struggles in life. It is an inevitable thing that is going to occur and being able to deal with it the right way can be a great resource to all of us. Home https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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The Nomad Pastor
How to deal with struggles in life

Ask, Seek, Knock

This week we will talk about Matthew 7:7-12 Ask, Seek, Knock.  This part of scripture is trying to teach us how to Ask, Seek, and Knock. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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Ask, Seek, Knock

How are we supposed to treat our body?

This week we will talk about how we are supposed to treat our body.  The Bible talks about our body as a temple and how we are supposed to treat like a temple but today we are all about convenience and the world. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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The Nomad Pastor
How are we supposed to treat our body?

What does the Bible say about Prayer

This week we will talk about what the Bible says about Prayer.  Our relationship with God depends on communication, which is done through prayer. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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The Nomad Pastor
What does the Bible say about Prayer

Leadership and Influence

This week we are going to talk about Leadership and Influence. As we walk through life and learn to follow Jesus Christ, we can also provide leadership and influence others. We also have to look at who is our leaders and who we allow to influence our walk. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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Leadership and Influence

Discernment: Recognizing the Voice of God and the Holy Spirit

This week we are going to talk about Discernment.  We need to recognize the Voice of God and the Holy Spirit in our life and not run away or ignore it. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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The Nomad Pastor
Discernment: Recognizing the Voice of God and the Holy Spirit


Sinner Saved by Grace or Saint Who Sins?

This week we are going to talk about the common thing we hear Christians say. “I am just a Sinner saved by Grace.”  While this is true that we are saved by grace does it change ever? https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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The Nomad Pastor
Sinner Saved by Grace or Saint Who Sins?

Don’t hide in the baggage

This week we are going to talk about hiding in the baggage like Saul did, or maybe a better way to explain it is running away from your calling.   https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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The Nomad Pastor
Don't hide in the baggage

Can I act how I want because I am saved?

Lately, I have heard more and more people say that they can act however they want or say whatever they want because they are saved and Christ forgives them.  Is it true that people can act however they want because they are saved? https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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The Nomad Pastor
Can I act how I want because I am saved?

Today we talk about Holidays and Christians

Today we talk about Holidays and Christians.  We discussed a couple of different topics around various holidays.  The conversation might surprise you but do we agree?   https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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Today we talk about Holidays and Christians

The Prodigal Son Revisited

Today we talk about The Prodigal Son again with so much going on in the world we felt this topic needed a refresh.     https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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The Nomad Pastor
The Prodigal Son Revisited

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Lost Sheep in Matthew 18:10-14 https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Nomad Pastor
The Parable of the Lost Sheep

The Parable of the Tree and Its Fruit

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Tree and Its Fruit in Luke 6:43-45 https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Parable of the Tree and Its Fruit

The Parable of the Persistent Widow

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Persistent Widow in Luke 18:1-8 https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Today we also talked about a ministry that helps provide drinking water in Pakistan.  If you want to know more please…

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The Parable of the Persistent Widow

The Parable of the Net

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Net in Matthew 13:47-50 https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Parable of the Net

We Need People and We Need God!

Today we will spend time discussing one topic that is really important to me.  I spend my life thinking I could do everything alone but I have come to realize that not only do I need God but I need People. https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Nomad Pastor
We Need People and We Need God!

Can you be a Christian and not follow the teachings of Jesus?

Today we will spend time discussing one topic that will be hard for some people to hear or maybe even accept.  In today’s world, several want to be saved by Christ but still choose not to follow Christ. https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Nomad Pastor
Can you be a Christian and not follow the teachings of Jesus?

The Lost Coin

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Lost Coin in Luke 15:8-10 https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Lost Coin

The Armor of God

Today we are going to spend time talking about The Armor of God. Ephesians 6:10–17 (NIV) 10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but…

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The Armor of God

The Vision God has for Us

Today we are going to spend time talking about the Vision that God has for us. https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Vision God has for Us

The Rich Fool

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Rich Fool in Luke 12:16-21 https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Rich Fool

The Birds of the Air

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Birds of the Air in Matthew 6:26 https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Birds of the Air

The Wise and Foolish Builders

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders in Matthew 7:24-27 https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Wise and Foolish Builders

How to grow in Christ

Today we are going to spend time talking about How to grow in Christ.  I believe this one verse John 3:30 He must become greater; I must become less will help us to grow in Christ https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Nomad Pastor
How to grow in Christ

Understanding the Bible

Today we are going to spend time talking about Understanding the Bible.   The message of Scripture is about God’s glory in our redemption through one central figure – Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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Understanding the Bible

Dealing with Doubt

Today we are going to spend time talking about Doubt and to do that we will look at John 20:24-29 John 20:24-29 Now Thomas (also known as Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to…

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The Nomad Pastor
Dealing with Doubt

The Parable of the Salt and Light

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Salt and Light from Matthew 5:13-16 https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Parable of the Salt and Light

Difference between Jesus is your Lord and Jesus is your Savior

Today we will spend time discussing the difference between Jesus as your Lord and Jesus as your Savior.  When we make Jesus Lord, we get Jesus as Savior thrown in.  That is, it becomes part of the total package. The order is important. Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and…

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The Nomad Pastor
Difference between Jesus is your Lord and Jesus is your Savior

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32 https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Nomad Pastor
The Parable of the Prodigal Son

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Parable of the Good Samaritan


According to the New Testament, there’s a difference between repentance and remorse. Matthew 27: 1 Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people came to the decision to put Jesus to death. 2 They bound him, led him away and handed him over to Pilate, the governor. 3 When…

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The Nomad Pastor

The Parable of the Weeds

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Weeds in Matthew 13:24-30. https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Parable of the Weeds

The Parable of the Talents

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30. https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com Check out our YouTube Channel here: Nomad Pastor

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The Parable of the Talents

Why You Are Worthy

For a long time, we have been telling people three simple things:  You are Loved, You Matter, and You are Worthy.  Today I want to dig into that just a little to show people they are worthy and how scripture backs that up. Matthew 13:44–46 (NIV) The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl…

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The Nomad Pastor
Why You Are Worthy

Why Does God Allow Evil?

A question that I know gets asked a lot and I personally have asked it many times is this:  If God is good, why is there so much evil in the world?  Why do we have war and murder, atrocity after atrocity, famine after famine, and pandemics?  Why do innocent children die at the hands…

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The Nomad Pastor
Why Does God Allow Evil?

Miracles Happen When We Pray!

I am sure we all have heard about Damar Hamlin.  During the game between the Bills and the Bengal’s Damar took a hit and collapsed right after standing up.  I watched the hit, I saw it when it happened, and if I am being honest, it really didn’t look that bad.  I have seen much…

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The Nomad Pastor
Miracles Happen When We Pray!

The Parables of Jesus – New Wine into Old Wineskins

Today we are going to spend time talking about one of the Parables of Jesus, specifically, we are going to talk about the New Wine into Old Wineskins. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com   Check out our YouTube Channel here:  Nomad Pastor

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The Parables of Jesus - New Wine into Old Wineskins

The Parables of Jesus: The Speck and The Plank

Jesus’s parables are seemingly simple and memorable stories, often with imagery, and all teach a lesson in our daily lives. Scholars have commented that although these parables seem simple, the messages they convey are deep and central to the teachings of Jesus. Christian authors view them not as mere similitudes that serve the purpose of…

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The Nomad Pastor
The Parables of Jesus: The Speck and The Plank

Honoring the testimony of people when they bless you with it

Every Christian has a testimony about their walk and what has happened in life that got them where they are today.  Have you ever noticed that people listen to the testimony to respond and not actually get the blessing God is trying to convey?  Don’t miss this opportunity and honor the time people spend telling…

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The Nomad Pastor
Honoring the testimony of people when they bless you with it

Resolutions and why we lose focus on them

As we start Season 3 of the Nomad Pastor Podcast we also begin 2023 so we felt it was fitting to talk about resolutions.  Every year people make them:  lose weight, quit smoking, be nice, and on and on.  The problem is these resolutions fizzle out quickly.  Why is that?   https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com #bikersforchrist #rushingwindministries #nomadpastor…

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The Nomad Pastor
Resolutions and why we lose focus on them

Utilizing your past to grow the future Kingdom

Everyone has a past that we have to consider as we minister to the world.  We each have different things, tools, and experiences that we have been through that give us unique gifts to minister to different communities of people.  We have to learn to use our past to grow the kingdom of God so…

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The Nomad Pastor
Utilizing your past to grow the future Kingdom

What are the core values of a Christian?

Today’s podcast talks specifically about Paul’s teaching in Galatians 5: 22-26 where he teaches about the Fruit of the Spirit. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com #bikersforchrist #rushingwindministries #nomadpastor Check out our YouTube Channel here:  Nomad Pastor

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The Nomad Pastor
What are the core values of a Christian?

Just get up and Do It!!

Today’s podcast talks specifically about The Healing at the Pool of Bethesda.  This is a great time in the ministry and Christ and as we dig into it can teach us so much that we need in today’s society. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com #bikersforchrist #rushingwindministries #nomadpastor Check out our YouTube Channel here:  Nomad Pastor

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The Nomad Pastor
Just get up and Do It!!

How to walk away from people when you have grown past them but they refuse to recognize it?

Today’s topic is a little different.  As followers of Christ, we grow each and every day.  so we have to ask the simple question.  How do we walk away from people when we have grown past them but they refuse to either accept it or recognize it? https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com #bikersforchrist #rushingwindministries #nomadpastor Check out our YouTube…

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The Nomad Pastor
How to walk away from people when you have grown past them but they refuse to recognize it?

What does it mean to be a Christian Woman

Today we wanted to talk about what it means to be a Christian woman.  We know it is crazy for 2 men to talk about it but this was requested so we will do our best. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com #bikersforchrist #rushingwindministries #nomadpastor Check out our YouTube Channel here:  Nomad Pastor

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The Nomad Pastor
What does it mean to be a Christian Woman

Do you have to like someone to show them Love?

I think we often mistake Love and showing love with liking people or being friendly.  Today we talk about it to try and understand the possibilities. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com #bikersforchrist #rushingwindministries #nomadpastor Check out our YouTube Channel here:  Nomad Pastor

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The Nomad Pastor
Do you have to like someone to show them Love?

Is it easier to stay in the Pain that we know versus the Pain that we don’t know

Today we wanted to talk about pain but we wanted to be more specific and talk about it in depth.  Is it easier to stay in the pain that we know versus the pain that we don’t know? https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com #bikersforchrist #rushingwindministries #nomadpastor Check out our YouTube Channel here:  Nomad Pastor

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Is it easier to stay in the Pain that we know versus the Pain that we don't know

Boundaries in Life

Do we allow the boundaries in our lives to protect us or keep us captive?  If we are not careful those boundaries that we use to keep people out and stay safe will eventually work in the exact opposite and keep us in a prison that we are afraid to leave. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com #bikersforchrist…

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Boundaries in Life

Is there a difference between Joy and Happiness?  

Today we talk about Joy and what that really looks like.  The main question is: Is there a difference between Joy and Happiness? https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com #bikersforchrist #rushingwindministries #nomadpastor Check out our YouTube Channel here:  Nomad Pastor

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The Nomad Pastor
Is there a difference between Joy and Happiness?  

What is Grace?

Today’s podcast is about one of the most used and probably least understood words in the Christian faith today. GRACE. Better men than me have tried to fully explain grace and have failed.  In a small way I only wish today to talk about grace and how it affects us and what we can learn…

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The Nomad Pastor
What is Grace?

Dealing with conflict in the church

Far too often we see churches and church leadership that ignore conflict within the congregation.  We see a leadership team that seems to overlook the sin or refuse church discipline.  Today we will talk about this and some of the potential impacts it has on a church body, Christianity and leadership. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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The Nomad Pastor
Dealing with conflict in the church

Challenges and the way we face them

Today we talk about challenges in life and how we face them. Sometimes those challenges are large or small but we still have to understand we handle them to be successful. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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The Nomad Pastor
Challenges and the way we face them

Leaving Your Church: Is it OK?

The decision to leave a church is a tough one, primarily because of the relationships you create within the body of the church.  You make friends you love and have done life with, but there are still times when you must leave.  Additionally, it becomes complicated by other issues because there is a perception of…

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The Nomad Pastor
Leaving Your Church: Is it OK?

What does it mean to be a Christian Man?

Today we talk about what it means to be a Christian man. This topic is something that, honestly, we could probably spend several episodes discussing, but we do our best to fit it all into one. https://www.nomadpastor.org https://www.bikersforchrist.org https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com

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Christian Man
The Nomad Pastor
What does it mean to be a Christian Man?

Rick and Rob One on One

Today is the beginning of our new podcast.  We just talked, and as we move forward, this podcast will evolve to what God is calling us to do.  Please send us an email to hello@nomadpastor.org with topics that you would like to hear about. To learn more about Bikers for Christ, please visit:  www.bikersforchrist.org  To…

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Rick and Rob One on One

Lil Wolf Ministries

Today we had the pleasure of having Lil’ Wolf on the podcast again.  This time we also had several members of Lil Wolf Ministries that are currently making the Yeshua’s Army Run with him on at the same time. https://www.lilwolfministries.org/index.html  We also had James “Billboard” Rice, Author of “The Epic Quest for Jesus,” on today…

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Lil Wolf Ministries
The Nomad Pastor
Lil Wolf Ministries

Slow Your Roll

Slow down and research ministries before you jump in feet first.  Make sure that they honor God and don’t impact your walk with Christ.

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Slow Your Roll
The Nomad Pastor
Slow Your Roll

Delivered from Addiction

Webster’s definition of addiction – To devote or surrender oneself to something (or someone) habitually or obsessively. Eph 2:3 All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.

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Delivered from Addiction
The Nomad Pastor
Delivered from Addiction


As Christians should we stay out of politics?  Should we walk away from conversations about politics?  Are we supposed to be silent about our religious beliefs?

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The Nomad Pastor


What are Your Spiritual Beliefs? We All Have Doubts – Be Certain YOU are on the Correct Path! As a physician, I know that spiritual health is paramount, taking precedence over both the physical and the psychiatric. Without adequate spiritual well-being, there is no legitimate foundation upon which one’s overall health can be complete. Yet, in our darkened and often lost world,…

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Paul Buechel
The Nomad Pastor

Prove It!!

In today’s review of James 2:14-26, we learn that “faith,” which does not show itself through God-driven works, proves itself to be a faith that will not save. It is nothing more than mere talk.  Do you see in life Christians that believe that just checking the box and going to church on Sunday is…

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Prove It!!
The Nomad Pastor
Prove It!!

Faith in Hardships

Last week I talked about the Storms in our life, and today, I want to try and build on that by talking about hardships.  That is what storms cause, hardships.  If you are discouraged by hardships, I want to encourage you to look past the difficulties so that you can embrace the possibilities in front…

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The Nomad Pastor
Faith in Hardships

Storms of Life

Sometimes I truly love to watch a rainstorm coming.  The best place for me to watch a storm is on the banks of almost any lake where you can see the clouds off in the distance and then you start to see the rain roll over the water as it comes towards you.  To me…

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Storms of Life
The Nomad Pastor
Storms of Life

Social Ministry Part 2

Another week of talking about Social Ministry but this time I have data to reference.  As an IT guy, I love data and for me, everything revolves around the ability to show facts.

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The Nomad Pastor
Social Ministry Part 2

Social Ministry

What does it look like to really do Social Ministry?  While I don’t know the answer we are going to strive to figure it out.

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The Nomad Pastor
Social Ministry


It is not hard to see that we live in a broken and wrecked world.  It is everywhere we look.  I recently did a podcast asking if we are living in the end times because it seems like we are close based on everything I see.  God told us that this would happen.  Jesus said…

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The Nomad Pastor

Are you willing to die for a lie?

Today my question is simple?  Would you be willing to die for a lie? Not just would you die but would you be tortured and die for a lie that you knew wasn’t true?  That is the biggest part of the question, that you knew that it wasn’t true.  I believe that when people challenge…

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Are you willing to die for a lie
The Nomad Pastor
Are you willing to die for a lie?

Are we living in The End Times?

2 Timothy 3:1–5 1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,  without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather…

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Are We Living In The End Times
The Nomad Pastor
Are we living in The End Times?

Right or Wrong: The Moral Argument for GOD!

There are numerous arguments for the existence of God, but one today is so important that I feel like we need to talk about it.  You see we have a design argument, a cosmological argument, a first-cause argument, and others but today we need to talk about the Moral Argument for God.  Each one of…

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right or wrong
The Nomad Pastor
Right or Wrong: The Moral Argument for GOD!

From the Club to Christ – 1:1 with Burn

This podcast marks the 1-year anniversary of Nomad Pastor.  This is episode 52 and I cannot believe all the things God is doing in our lives.  As a special episode today I sat down with former Motorcycle Club Member Chris “Burn” OBrien and we talked about his story from a young age and how that…

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From the Club to Christ - 1:1 with Burn
The Nomad Pastor
From the Club to Christ - 1:1 with Burn

BATMAN is Back

Today we talk about several things with Rob “Batman” Reaves including Hope and Tres Dias. You can find out more about Tres Dias here: https://www.tresdias.org/ To learn more about Forged Brotherhood MC: https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com/ If you want to talk about Bikers for Christ MM you can find info and a local contact person here: https://bikersforchrist.org/  

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The Nomad Pastor
BATMAN is Back

Numbers in the Bible

What significance do numbers have in the Bible? Most numbers carry a symbolic purpose in the Bible. Seven, for instance, also means completeness and perfection; as does the number 3. In the Bible, numbers can have many purposes, such as conveying something significant in the narrative: prophetically, spiritually, or symbolically. I want to look at…

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Numbers in the Bible
The Nomad Pastor
Numbers in the Bible

1:1 with Pastor Nick Deford

Today I had the pleasure to sit down and talk to Nick Deford who is the Senior Pastor for Zephyrhills First Nazarene.  We talked about several topics today that I think are important to everyone who listens.  Here are some links for you to get more information about Nick and his ministry work. https://www.zfnfamily.org/ https://www.visitgoconference.com/…

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Nick Deford
The Nomad Pastor
1:1 with Pastor Nick Deford

Have you been hurt by the Church?

For me, one of the biggest issues I have seen within the church is people getting hurt by other Christians.  It may seem small to some but large to others.  The little comments, the negative looks, the judgment, the fear, the false doctrine, the members that have no idea what real salvation looks like, maybe…

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Church Hurt
The Nomad Pastor
Have you been hurt by the Church?

Life’s Patterns

“For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself…

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Life's Patterns
The Nomad Pastor
Life's Patterns

Meeting people where they are!

What does meeting someone where they are mean? Meeting someone where they are means putting aside our wants for them, whether those wants are in service to them or not, and endeavoring to understand where they are in their journey. It begins by listening without judgment, asking questions openly and honestly, and above all recognizing that…

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The Nomad Pastor
The Nomad Pastor
Meeting people where they are!

Free Will

When God created us in his image, he gave us something unique.  He wanted to give us something to show us how much he loves us and how much he didn’t want slaves.  That unique thing that God has given us all is free will so that we could make our own choices, good or…

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Free Will
The Nomad Pastor
Free Will

If You Really Care, Share

“Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles. Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; for even when I was in Thessalonica,…

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The Nomad Pastor
If You Really Care, Share

What does it mean to have Strength?

As I started thinking about this next part of Philippians I really wanted to try and understand what it means to be strong or what it means to have strength.  If you look up the definition it seems pretty clear but maybe it’s not.  The definition says there are 3 options first is the quality…

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The Nomad Pastor
What does it mean to have Strength?

Inspiration of Noble Living

I have heard several times that this is an age of gracious living.  What does that really mean though in today’s world?   Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:8–9: 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about…

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The Nomad Pastor
Inspiration of Noble Living

The Marks of a Christian

How can you determine if someone is a Christian? What are the Marks of a Christian? Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:1-7

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The Nomad Pastor
The Marks of a Christian

Batman – Forged Brotherhood MC

Today I had the privilege to sit down and interview Rob “Batman” Reaves one of the founding members of Forged Brotherhood MC.  If you want information about Forged Brotherhood MC please see the links below. https://www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com/   https://www.facebook.com/ForgedBrotherhoodMC   

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Forged Brotherhood
The Nomad Pastor
Batman - Forged Brotherhood MC

What is a Sacred Cow??

Have you ever heard someone say don’t let that become your sacred cow?  Before we start asking the question about what your sacred cow is we must first identify what a sacred cow really is?  If you look it up in the dictionary or google it will tell you that sacred cow is a noun…

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What is a Sacred Cow
The Nomad Pastor
What is a Sacred Cow??

Instant Gratification!!

Throughout the Bible we see a theme of things happening instantly; We see it happen over and over in various Gospels and Epistles. 2 Corinthians 6:2 For he says, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of…

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Instant Gratification
The Nomad Pastor
Instant Gratification!!

What does God desire of us?

“He has showed you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” Micah 6:8

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What does God desire of us
The Nomad Pastor
What does God desire of us?

The Good Samaritan

A study in 2021 said that 71% of internet users in the US use Facebook regularly.  With those high numbers, it is safe to say that someone listening has been scrolling through Facebook and read a post about someone that needs help. The Parable of the Good Samaritan is a wonderful story that Jesus tells…

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The Good Samaritan
The Nomad Pastor
The Good Samaritan

Progressive Christianity

I spent a couple episodes talking about Mormonism and if Mormons can be Christians without following the bible and now, we must ask the same thing about Progressive Christianity today.  So, let’s ask the question what is Progressive Christianity? Don’t be blinded by the shiny objects or the love everyone no sin everything is ok…

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Progressive Christianity
The Nomad Pastor
Progressive Christianity

Are Mormons Christians Part 2?

As I start part 2 of this I need to just cut right to the chase.  There are several questions that need to be answered about what the beliefs are within the Mormon religion so that we can clearly identify if they truly follow the teachings of the bible or ignore them. https://www.nomadpastor.org  https://www.bikersforchrist.org

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Are Mormons Christian
The Nomad Pastor
Are Mormons Christians Part 2?

Secret of Happiness

Psalm 32 shows God’s blessings for those who are forgiven: 1 How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered! 2 How blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit! 3 When I kept silent about my sin, my body…

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The Nomad Pastor
Secret of Happiness

Why do you have Faith?

“always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have, but do so with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15  

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Why do you have faith?
The Nomad Pastor
Why do you have Faith?

What is your bait?

Matthew 4:19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” What is your bait?

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The Nomad Pastor
The Nomad Pastor
What is your bait?

Are Mormons Christians?

Are Mormons Christians?

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Are Mormons Christian
The Nomad Pastor
Are Mormons Christians?

American Christianity

Romans 13:1-7

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American Christianity
The Nomad Pastor
American Christianity

Jesus turns Water to Wine

Do you believe in miracles? Jesus is a miracle worker. He can turn water into wine, and he can work a miracle in your life. Let him do it today! John 2:1-11

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Water to Wine
The Nomad Pastor
Jesus turns Water to Wine

The Pattern of Life

The Pattern of Life: Scripture Reading – Galatians 2:15–21

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do something great
The Nomad Pastor
The Pattern of Life

What to Imitate

Scripture Reading: Philippians 3:17–21

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The Nomad Pastor
What to Imitate

A Mature Life

What is the secret to a mature life?  Philippians 3:12 – 16

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The Nomad Pastor
A Mature Life

Profit and Loss

Philippians 3:4–11

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The Nomad Pastor
Profit and Loss

True Believers

Philippians 3:1-3

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The Nomad Pastor
True Believers

Keeping a Good Attitude

Today we welcome back Steve “TwoPlates” and we talk about having a good attitude when things are going bad.

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Keeping a Good Attitude
The Nomad Pastor
Keeping a Good Attitude

Lil Wolf Ministries Interview

Please Visit the Lil Wolf Store and support this amazing Godly man. Lil Wolf Ministries  Store  

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Lil Wolf Ministries
The Nomad Pastor
Lil Wolf Ministries Interview

Outreach and Evangelism

James 2:14-17

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Outreach and Evangelism
The Nomad Pastor
Outreach and Evangelism

Wake Up!!

Ephesians 5:14

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Wake Up
The Nomad Pastor
Wake Up!!

The Worlds Strongest Man

Matthew 4:1–11

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The Worlds Strongest Man
The Nomad Pastor
The Worlds Strongest Man

The Great Physician

Mark 2:1–12

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Jesus Great Physician
The Nomad Pastor
The Great Physician

Christian Service

Philippians 2:19–30

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The Nomad Pastor
Christian Service


Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:12–18

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The Nomad Pastor


Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:5–11

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The Nomad Pastor

Christian Unity

Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:1–4

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The Nomad Pastor
Christian Unity

The Only Way

Today I hope to help us understand what Jesus meant when he said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 NIV

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The Only Way
The Nomad Pastor
The Only Way

Satan is Real

The idea of Satan or the devil has virtually disappeared from the beliefs of many people today.

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Not today Satan
The Nomad Pastor
Satan is Real

The People of the Church

1 Peter 2:9-10

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The Church
The Nomad Pastor
The People of the Church

The Church

Matthew 18:12-14

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The Church
The Nomad Pastor
The Church


Matthew 7:1–5

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The Nomad Pastor

Christian Behavior

How should we behave as Christians?

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The Nomad Pastor
Christian Behavior

Desire or Duty

What do you desire?

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The Nomad Pastor
Desire or Duty

Getting the Good out of Bad

Philippians 1:12-20

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The Nomad Pastor
Getting the Good out of Bad

Joy and Prayer

Philippians 1: 1 – 11

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The Nomad Pastor
Joy and Prayer

My Story

A small part of my story for you to know me better.

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My Story
The Nomad Pastor
My Story


What will really make you happy?

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The Nomad Pastor


Living one day at a Time.

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The Nomad Pastor